Going Down in Flames [ A Team Rocket Tribute]

Uh..... I have honestly no idea. I found this while going through my videos on my MASSIVE USB harddrive, and I was like “Hey! I vaguely remember this! It was a piece o’ crap!“ And then I watched it and was like, “Woooaaah....“ If I remember, I made this over the summer. Last summer. At my grandparents house. Right after my PC crashed. That basically meant that I had no video footage to use, hardly any pictures, and only like, seven songs. Oh, and they didn’t have internet at that point. But I made THIS beauty out of it, so I’m happy. Sorry all the pictures are really low grade. They were all I , . But here’s the thing. I LOVE Team Rocket. That is to say, only James, Jessie and Meowth. Geo-whatshisface and Cassidy and Cancetta (Butch (It’s Moooooolly. (Sailor Moon Abridged reference))) can suck it. Jk, I love you two, but not as much as the oh-so-whacky trio. They’re the three I look forward to seeing in ANY episode of Pokemon or ANY of the movies. I was very happy th
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