Can YouTube Guitarist Steve Terreberry Play Live? - Herman Li Guitar Challenge

Shred Talk! DragonForce guitarist @Herman Li hung out with @SteveTerreberry live on Twitch for a shred collab of epic proportion! Watch the full livestream and more on Twitch VOD: Herman Li & Stevie T will shred together again Wed 17th April 2021 live on to help raise fund for the legendary guitarist @Jason Becker. All proceeds will benefit Jason Becker in his battle against ALS for over 30 years. ALS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. There is no cure. DONATE HERE: MORE INFO: Backing Tracks: @N&MCreation Support guitar and music! Visit some of our favourite gear channels: Rick Beato, Music Is Win, Ola Englund, Darrell Braun Guitar, Fluff Riffs, Beards & Gear, Gear Gods, Andertons. #hermanli #steviet #steveterreberry #dragonforce #shredtalk SUBSCRIBE ►
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