Maybeshewill - Not for Want of Trying (Full Album)
A great album by alternative instrumental band Maybeshewill.
Track List:
1. “Ixnay on the Autoplay“ 1:42
2. “Seraphim & Cherubim“ 3:16
3. “The Paris Hilton Sex Tape“ 3:34
4. “I’m in Awe, Amadeus!“ 3:39
5. “We Called for an Ambulance but a Fire Engine Came“ 3:23
6. “Heartflusters“ 3:48
7. “.“ 2:26
8. “He Films the Clouds Pt. 2“ 6:42
9. “Not for Want of Trying“ 5:33
10. “Takotsubo“ 1:49