MTG Arena - Upgrading Eternal Thirst
10 Plains (M19) 261
4 Isolated Chapel (DAR) 241
4 Legion Lieutenant (RIX) 163
4 Call to the Feast (XLN) 219
4 Dusk Legion Zealot (RIX) 70
2 Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle (XLN) 24
4 Skymarcher Aspirant (RIX) 21
2 Adanto Vanguard (XLN) 1
4 Conclave Tribunal (GRN) 6
2 Queen’s Commission (XLN) 29
4 Radiant Destiny (RIX) 18
3 Legion’s Landing (XLN) 22
1 Vona, Butcher of Magan (XLN) 231
1 Elenda, the Dusk Rose (RIX) 157
1 The Immortal Sun (RIX) 180
4 Unclaimed Territory (XLN) 258
6 Swamp (M19) 271