T/I: 10:00:00
The Russian army has moved more armour and troops into the
battered Chechen capital, Grozny, as the Chechens regroup to
defend the city street street by street. On the main road out of
Grozny, a convoy of Russian Interior Ministry troops was setting
up checkpoints aimed to stop Chechen fighters leaving the city.
On Friday (20/1), the Russian bombardment of Grozny continued
despite their capture of the Chechen presidential palace on
Thursday (19/1).
apc along past big sign
more russian armour
armour over tracks
line of troops along
cu russian troops along
ls troops and armour
crouching, running man
soldier out of tent
crouching, firing soldier
more crouching soldiers
firing soldier
soldiers around fire
firing a machine gun
building taking hits
cu russian soldiers
around fire
gun barrel
mid shot russian soldier, smoke up
pan to lying, firing russian soldiers
soldiers crouching low as they run across snow
more crouching running sold
1 view
7 days ago 00:07:35 1
Отход РГСпН 2-й ,14-й (Полное видео)
1 week ago 00:19:14 1
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