Latest News From Russia (1941)

Item title reads - Latest news from Russia. Various shots of Russians harvesting the corn and clearing the land in case the Germans take it. Various shots as people dig trenches. Various shots of Soviet planes on the airfield, and taking off. Antiaircraft gun fires at nazi aircraft and one falls to earth. Various shots of the burning wreckage of nazi planes on the ground and others falling out of the sky under the onslaught of Soviet antiaircraft guns. C/U of the swastika on an aeroplane with bullet holes in it. Various shots of more burning wreckage. Searchlights pick out planes and shoot them down at night. One goes down spectacularly in flames and explodes. M/S of a captured German radio spy and his transmitter, he is being questioned by his captors. Various shots of guns firing and exploding in the field. Soldiers move under camouflage. Aerial shot of bombs dropping causing huge explosions. Various shots of tanks rumbling along to meet the enemy. Russian soldiers walk along a roa
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