Grand Theft Auto IV - San Andreas To IV (Rage Engine) Conversion Modification HD

UPDATE AUGUST 9th 2011 beta of the mod has been released this is a modification that puts all of san andreas in the iv rage engine i bet you have wished or seen someone wishing san andreas with iv graphics well here it is this mod is going to become huge and i bet when it’s finnished it will be featured on such sites like kotaku this video basically shows everything i could of the mod this video used to have two songs one of them being barracuda (las venbturas scene) and another amos moses (country scene) but youtube wouldn’t allow it i know it may seem abit naggy to put music in like i do with all my videos lately but the plane has no engine sound whatso ever and i like freebird now it does have some bugs like the vehicle convertions are very low quality model poppings and lack of epm to make the propeller spin and the tires retract but these bugs are nothing to the feeling of it i would like to thank blaster_nl f
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