Ekaterina Shelehova - Jenny of Oldstones

Song available on all music platforms! This song touched me deeply when I heard it for the first time. I’ve always been a fan of Florence the Machine, and hearing her perform this beautiful music gave me goosebumps. I stumbled upon it again, years later, when I received a request to record my own version. I made a simple cover of it in my room, but for a long time, I have been wanting to record it properly. In collaboration with @panostopalidis, I’m happy to finally release my official cover of this beautiful song out into the world. Video: Peppe Burrafato Video Editing: Ole Thomas Audio/Arrangement: Panos Topalidis at Bullstreet Studios Video Coloring: Aurora Ovan Follow Ekaterina Shelehova: Spotify - @ekater
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