100 Years of Begonias! A Tour of Logee’s Famous “Begonia House“

In this video, Logee’s horticulturist and third generation owner, Byron Martin, discusses some of the popular begonias that his family has been growing for over 100 years at Logee’s Greenhouses. Begonias make wonderful houseplants. Their texture and color brings beauty and form to both the indoor and outdoor garden. Some of the begonia plants discussed in this video are listed below, along with their time stamp in the video and the URL where you can learn more about them at the Logee’s retail website. For more information on how to grow and care for begonias, please visit us here: ==== 10...0 Years of Begonias at Logee’s ==== Rex Begonias - 1:21 Fibrous Begonias - 8:30 Rhizomatous Begonias - 2:52 • Begonia ‘Marmaduke’ (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) - 0:30 / 4:40 • Begonia ‘Kit Kat’ (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) - 0:35 / 3:22 • Begonia ‘Tie Dye’ (Begonia rex hybrid) - 1:32 • Begonia ‘Connie Boswell’ (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) - 1:45 / 10:08 • Fibrous Begonia - Angel Wing Type - 2:15 • Begonia ‘Richardsiana’ (Begonia dregei ‘Richardsiana’) - 2:22 • Begonia ‘Solar Flare’ (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) - 3:35 • Begonia ‘Satin Jazz’ (Begonia rex hybrid) - 4:26 • Begonia ‘Looking Glass’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid) - 4:48 • Begonia ‘Fireworks’ (Begonia rex hybrid) - 5:04 • Begonia ‘Sizmoriae’ (Begonia rex hybrid) - 5:45 • Begonia ‘Gehertii’ (Begonia rex hybrid) - 6:04 • Begonia ‘Snow Capped’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid) - 8:56 • Begonia ‘Cracklin’ Rosie’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid- Angel Wing Variety) - 9:04 • Begonia ‘Kalamani’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid) - 9:16 • Begonia ‘Odorata’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid) - 9:30 • Begonia ‘Charles Jarrow’ (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) - 10:46 • Begonia ‘Elaine’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid- Angel Wing Variety) - 10:57 • Begonia ‘Pinafore’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid- Angel Wing Variety) - 11:41 • Begonia ‘Helen Teupel’ (Begonia rex hybrid) - 12:00 • Begonia ‘Madame Queen’ (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) - 12:18 • Begonia ‘Foliosa’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid) - 12:40 • Begonia ‘Lubbergii’ (Begonia fibrous hybrid) - 13:09 • Begonia ‘Hispida Cucalifera’ (Species begonia) - 13:23 • Begonia ‘Erthlehelafelix’ (Begonia Rhizomatous) - 13:39
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