Crazy Coincidences 01 #shorts
These things happened.
Alex and Donna Voutsinas were looking through old photos to put in their wedding video. They found one were Donna was a kid in 1980 visiting Disney World. They looked closer at the photo. In the background was Donna’s husband Alex, as a child, being pushed in a stroller.
The odds of getting hit by a meteor are one in a trillion. When a meteor crashed into a home in Paris in 2011, the press rushed over to check on them. They were fine. Their name... was commette.
World War 1 broke out after Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in his car. The license plate was A-11-11-18. World War 1 started on November 11, 1918.
In 1975, a 17-year old boy was killed riding a moped. Exactly 1 year after his 17-year old brother was killed on the same moped. They were killed at the same intersection, hit by the same taxi driven by the same driver, carrying the same passenger.