Dazar’alor - Music & Ambience (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth aka BfA)
00:00:We have to thank Sam Cardon and David Arkenstone for the most tracks on this video. They are beautiful, I especially like Zuldazar 2C and Zuldazar Bazaar tracks.
Dazar’alor world was a challenge and a demonstration of development performance for Blizzard. The city is stunning, there are so many things happening there, that I have to ask myself how is this going to affect the players with low spec computers. There is a clear improvement made by Blizzard (it’s actually implemented for a while now, but on this zone is noticeable a lot), they load (at least) 2 types of textures, one for far view (less accurate) and one for closer details.
Dazar’alor is King Rastakhan’s palace in Zuldazar. The Great Seal, in its interior chamber, serves as the Horde’s embassy on Zandalar and includes some portals to each major city and expansions, profession trainers, bank and guild banks, transmogifier and a mission table.
With the damage caused by the Cataclysm, Rastakhan’s palace
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