Flaming Plane Hits Houses (1959)

Title reads: “Flaming Planes hits houses“. Chicago, United States of America (USA). Elevated shot crowds of people standing around the crash area: a suburban street near the airport. M/S firemen walking about with houses in the background still burning. M/S smoking wreckage strewn about. C/U firemen working. M/S smoking wreckage. M/S firemen playing hoses onto burning houses and wreckage. L/S bungalow with its roof torn off and windows smashed. L/S an aircraft flying low over the crash area to land at the airport. M/S of wreckage strewn about. Elevated shot firemen crowded round some burning wreckage. L/S firemen directing hoses onto the burning wreckage. C/U tail of crashed freight plane lying in a street. M/S people walking about in the wreckage in front of wrecked houses. L/S house which had its roof torn off in the crash. C/U smashed windows in one of the houses. General view wrecked houses. Various shots wrecked cars in the foreground with crowds milling around behind. More shots wreckage
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