Cacao Medicine Chants Invocation for Healing by Maile Moon

This is a compilation of several medicine songs to sing to the cacao during your group or personal ceremonies. The first and last songs are popular medicine songs I gathered through living and studying the medicine in Guatemala, in the middle is a improvisation bridge. Lyrics 1 (medicine chant) Cacaocito las gracias te doy las gracias te doy (2x) Por abrir mi corazon a la sanacion y a l’amor (2x) Lyrics 2 (by Maïlé Moon) Cacaocito, medicina, cura cura mi corazon Cacaocito, semilla sagrada, sana sana mi alma gran espiritu del Cacao, vuela vuela en mi corazon Gran espiritu del Cacao, canta ca...nta la sanacion Lyrics 3 (medicine chants) Cacaocito la medicina Cacaocito Laydeedeedee 2x Cura cura cuerpecito, cura cura laydeedeedee Limpia limpia espiritito, limpia limpia laydeedeedee Feel free to sing along ! Blessings of Love, Cheekoeeeeee (Another Cacao name)
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