Start your free 2-month Skillshare trial: Knocked Loose and their new album “A Different Shade Of Blue“ are ushering in a new era of hardcore that takes me back to the glory days of the 90s Victory Records scene led by Earth Crisis, Snapcase and Strife. Some of what I talk about: - Their tour with Stick To Your Guns, Rotting Out, Candy and Seeyouspacecowboy - What made the 90s hardcore scene so cool, and bands like Downset, VOD, Turmoil, Bloodlet, and Overcast - Why “A Different Shade Of Blue“ (Pure Noise Records) went to #26 on Billboard and how they got 270,000 Spotify listeners - What makes Bryan Garris the perfect frontman for Knocked Loose - Why producer Will Putney and Good Fight Management are important - How Knocked Loose compare to bands like Code Orange, Vein, Varials, Turnstile, Angel Du$t, and Jesus Piece -- ▶ SUBSCRIBE: -- ▶ INSTAGRAM:
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