Who Are “They” Pulling The Globalist Strings | Whitney Webb
Whitney Webb, a writer and researcher, sheds light on who the people at the top are that are pulling the strings and setting policies that push us into a digital prison. She goes in depth about the intelligence community, the banking system, and the ties between Jamie Dimon and Jeffrey Epstein. The conversation covers a variety of intriguing topics, including the distraction of culture wars, how the banking crises are being used to push us into a system of control, and how everything leads us to the exact same place!
So let’s go.
Whitney Webb
Twitter: @_whitneywebb
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[00:02:16] Banking ties and crisis.
[00:03:11] Deep state and power structures.
[00:06:24] Perpetual limited war.
[00:09:29] Consolidation of Power in Banking.
[00:13:12] Globalist agenda and connections.
[00:23:14] End of Financial Anonymity.
[00:29:14] The IMF’s new inclusivity.
[00:32:49] Digitalizing everything.
[00:38:50] Enslavement through smartphone addiction.
[00:42:01] Moving off legacy social media.
[00:45:09] Banking system consolidation.
[00:47:59] Illegal funding of intelligence operations.
[00:51:21] Attacks on Bitcoin.
[00:58:45] Digital ID and Surveillance.
[01:09:36] Battle for the fate of humanity.
[01:19:10] Parallel systems and authoritarianism.
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