I Accidentally Became Obsessed with The Ace Combat Series
I fell in love with Ace Combat because of this channel so of course I had to sit down and play through the holy trinity. It was an amazing experience with a bit of frustration mixed in but words can’t compare. One of the best gaming experiences of my whole life!!!
(Streams T, TH, F - 10:30est-5:00est
Vods Channel:
00:00 Respectfully Known as the Holy Trinity
00:30 I bought a Ps2
01:10 Ac4 title screen
01:39 Blockade BABY
02:45 A Meditative Experience
03:30 Camona
05:10 Farbanti and Melody
06:10 Rex Tremendae
09:50 Unsung War Thoughts
10:36 Into the Dusk
15:00 No Safety Net
16:12 The Journey Home
19:27 the tunnel run
21:40 Unsung War
22:49 Zero Thoughts
23:20 Contact
23:54 Avalon
25:10 Zero
25:30 Near the Border
26:30 I’m so happy I played these