It seems like forever ago since we’ve had the defibs/shock paddles in a Battlefield game. I know we had the needle/syringe in BF1 but that was taken away in BFV and it’s just not quite the same. Also surprising it works or works as well as it does in Battlefield 2042. In BC2 they worked great or registered easily when trying to kill the enemy with but in BF3 they were either broken, bugged, or tied to ping because you’d have to hold it down on an enemy and pray it would eventually register. Which is weird because with all those defib related kill audio call outs they had in BF3 it seemed like they intended it to function normally in the game or like it does in BC2 or BF4.
Clickbait title suggestion from Alex M.
Other title suggestions I liked:
1. “What Happens Next Will Shock You...“
2. “Shocking the competition”
4. “This will shock you in 2042...“
If you want me to do another defib / shock paddle video ple