Nino Langella & Andra Vaidilaite (ITA) - Internationals 2021 - Professional Latin | QF Rumba

DanceCinema is partnered with DSI TV to bring you exclusive content from UK Open, Blackpool, Internationals, and more!! Subscribe to DSI TV to see the ENTIRE competition at PROFESSIONAL LATIN RESULTS: 1st - 4 Troels Bager and Ina Jeliazkova USA 2nd - 69 Dorin Frecautanu and Marina Sergeeva England 3rd - 25 Nino Langella and Andra Italy 4th - 59 Kirill Belorukov and Viktoriia Kharchenko Russia 5th - 51 Massimo Arcolin and Laura Italy 6th - 7 Pavel Zvychaynyy and Polina Teleshova Russia 7th - 38 Morten Loewe and Roxy Denmark (Please do not take this video from YouTube and use for Instagram. Message DanceCinema first for permission, as it is copyright protected.)
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