Mount Vesuvius (1968)

No title - Mount Vesuvius tourist attraction. Naples, Italy. L/S of Mount Vesuvius. Various shots cable cars going up to volcano, zoom out to show the volcano. M/S showing hard lava left from eruption. Various shots tourists looking round. Various shots tourists looking at steam coming out of side of volcano. C/U tourists feeling how hot the steam is. C/U as woman puts hand into the steam. L/S as tourists walk round the perimeter of the crater. M/S two tourists on edge of crater, pan to show the crater. L/S as Vesuvius erupts in 1944, pan up to show smoke. L/S as molten lava comes down the volcano. L/S smoke. M/S looking down street in Naples at molten lava. M/S showing molten lava rolling down the volcano. C/U men shielding their eyes. M/S more lava coming down. M/S house in Naples with lava coming round it. Various shots looking down street as building collapses and steam gushes up through pavements. M/S as lava pours down and a house collapses. M/S woman tourist seated beside the crater of V
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