Unleash it all as you punch and kick through this quick 15-min
BODYCOMBAT™ workout created by the fitness powerhouse LES MILLS to make you move for the planet.
BODYCOMBAT is a science-backed high-energy martial arts workout that builds strength, speed and agility. It is loved in gyms all over the planet – and now you can try BODYCOMBAT at home.
Visit the adidas running app and join team LES MILLS to track this workout For every 10 minutes of activity, adidas will donate €1 to projects that provide education on sustainability and make sports facilities more resilient to extreme weather conditions.
If you want to explore full workouts, try LES MILLS for free , and choose from 2000 workouts including strength, yoga, pilates, cardio, HIIT, cycle and more.
Workout information:
BODYCOMBAT #97, Power Training. With Anthony Oxford, Eileen Post and House Chaalane. Filmed in Los Angeles.
BODYCOMBAT #94, Muay Thai. With Lidia Bodoque, Laura Garcia and Oscar Peiro. Filmed in London #MoveForThePlanet
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