Meet The Real Archers (1962)

Full title reads: “Brighton. Meet The Real Archers“. Brighton, Sussex. Archery contest LV Lady archers lined up shooting their arrows. CU Woman shoots. SV The arrow hits the target. LV The women shooting. CU Woman releases her arrow. CU The arrow hits the target. GV Ladies preparing to shoot. SV Arrow hitting the target. GV Spectators watching from behind the archers, pan to men lined up shooting, pan to the targets they are aiming at. CU Arrow hitting centre of target. CU Man shoots. CU As he takes another arrow from its quiver. GV Men lined up shooting. CU Very large fat man shoots. CU Arrow hitting just outside the centre ring. CU Woman looking through telescope. LV Zoom in to SV men firing. CU Man prepares to shoot. CU As he shoots. SV Bearded man shoots. SV As one arrow hits centre of target and another one completely misses. GV The archers walking towards the targets to add up their score. SV Archers totalling their scores, pan to archers behind the targets picking up arrows that missed
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