Римский-Корсаков - Песни, полное собрание. / Rimsky-Korsakov - Songs, complete
Natalia Gerasimova (soprano)
Marina Choutova (mezzo soprano)
Alexei Martinov (tenor)
Mikhail Lanskoi (baritone)
Sergei Baikov (bass)
00:00:00 Op.2: 1.(Lean thy cheek to mine) Heine, trans. M. Mikhaylov
00:01:03 Op.2: 2.(Eastern Song: Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale) A. Kol’tsov
00:03:49 Op.2: 3.(Lullaby) L. May
00:06:39 Op.2: 4.(From my tears) Heine, trans. Mikhaylov
00:07:57 Op.3: 1.(The pine and the palm) Heine, trans. Mikhaylov
00:10:13 Op.3: 2.(Southern Night) N. Shcherbina
00:12:03 Op.3: 3.(The golden cloud has slept) Lermontov
00:14:00 Op.3: 4.(On the hills of Georgia) Pushkin
00:15:59 Op.4: 1. (What is my name to thee?) Pushkin
00:17:34 Op.4: 2.(The Messenger) Heine, trans. Mikhaylov
00:19:21 Op.4: 3.(In the dark the nightingale is silent) I. Nikitin
00:21:29 Op.4: 4.(Quietly evening falls) A. Fet
00:22:58 Op.7: 1.(My voice for thee is sweet and languid) Pushkin
00:24:11 Op.7: 2.(Hebrew Song) L. Mey
00:26:39 Op.7: 3.(The Mermaid of Lake Switez) A. Mickiewicz, trans. Mey
00:29:29 Op.7: 4.(Thy glance is radiant as the heavens) Lermontov
00:32:04 Op.8: 1.(Where thou art, my thought flies to thee) unknown
00:33:19 Op.8: 2.(Night) A. Pleshcheyev
00:36:18 Op.8: 3.(The Secret) after Chamisso
00:39:52 Op.8: 4.(Arise, come down) Mey
00:43:12 Op.8: 5.(In the kingdom of roses and wine) Fet
00:45:43 Op.8: 6.(I believe, I am loved) Pushkin
00:46:55 Heine, trans. Mikhaylov: 1. (To my song)
00:49:11 Heine, trans. Mikhaylov: 2. (When I gaze into thy eyes)
00:50:38 : 1.(In moment to delight devoted) Byron, trans. I. Kozlov
00:51:33 : 2.(Evocation) Pushkin
00:55:43 : 3.(For the shores of thy native land) Pushkin
01:00:31 : 4.(Zuleika’s Song) Byron, trans. I. Kozlov
01:02:26 : 1.(Softly the spirit flew up to Heaven) A.K. Tolstoy
01:05:31 : 2.(Echo) F. Coppée, trans. S. Andreyevsky
01:07:29 : 3.(Thou and you) Pushkin
01:08:22 : 4.(Forgive! Remember not these tearful days) N. Nekrasov
01:09:30 A.K. Tolstoy: 1.(Oh, if thou couldst for one moment)
01:10:53 A.K. Tolstoy: 2.(The west dies out in the pallid rose)
01:14:37 s A.K. Tolstoy: 3.(Silence descends on the golden cornfields)
01:16:29 A.K. Tolstoy: 4.(Sleep, my poor friend)
01:20:40 Songs : 1.(When the golden cornfield waves) Lermontov
01:23:57 Songs : 2.(Across the midnight sky) Lermontov
01:27:06 Songs : 3.(Of what I dream in the quiet night) A. Maykov
01:29:23 Songs : 4.(I waited for thee in the grotto at the appointed hour) Maykov
01:31:30 Songs : 1.(Sun of the sleepless) A.K. Tolstoy after Byron
01:33:09 Songs : 2.(I am unhappy) Lermontov
01:34:36 Songs : 3.(Melodiya s beregov Ganga) (I love thee, moon (Melody from the banks of the Ganges)) Maykov
01:36:41 Songs : 4.(Look in thy garden) Maykov
01:39:04 Songs : 1.(A whisper, a gentle breath) Fet
01:40:14 Songs : 2.(I have come to greet thee) Fet
01:41:44 Songs : 3.(Elegiya) (The clouds begin to scatter (Elegy)) Pushkin
01:45:40 Songs : 4.(My spoiled darling) Mickiewicz, trans. Mey
01:47:00 Songs ‘Vesnoy’ (In spring): 1.(The lark sings louder) A.K. Tolstoy
01:48:11 Songs ‘Vesnoy’ (In spring): 2.(Not the wind, blowing from the heights) A.K. Tolstoy
01:49:56 Songs ‘Vesnoy’ (In spring): 3.(Cool and fragrant is thy garland) Fet
01:51:35 Songs ‘Vesnoy’ (In spring): 4.(Early spring) A.K. Tolstoy
01:53:40 Songs (To the Poet): 1.(The Echo) Pushkin
01:55:01 Songs (To the Poet): 2.(Art) Maykov
01:57:01 Songs (To the Poet): 3.(The Octave) Maykov
01:58:55 Songs (To the Poet): 4.(Doubt) Maykov
02:02:31 Songs (To the Poet): 5.(The Poet) Pushkin
02:05:01 Songs (By the sea) A.K. Tolstoy: 1.(The wave breaks into a spray)
02:06:15 Songs (By the sea) A.K. Tolstoy: 2.(Not a sound from the sea)
02:08:03 Songs (By the sea) A.K. Tolstoy: 3.(The sea is tossing)
02:09:28 Songs (By the sea) A.K. Tolstoy: 4.(Do not believe me, friend)
02:11:08 Songs (By the sea) A.K. Tolstoy: 5.(The waves rise up like mountains)
02:13:37 Songs Maykov, after modern Greek poems: 1.(The Maiden and the Sun)
02:15:37 Songs Maykov, after modern Greek poems: 2.(The Singer)
02:17:05 Songs Maykov, after modern Greek poems: 3.(Quiet is the deep blue sea)
02:18:03 Songs Maykov, after modern Greek poems: 4.(I am still filled, dear friend)
02:19:10 Pushkin: 1.(Slowly drag my days)
02:21:40 Pushkin: 2.(Do not sing to me, o lovely one)
02:24:13 Pushkin: 3.(Withered flower)
02:27:11 Pushkin: 4.(The Beauty)
02:29:32 Pushkin: 5.(The rainy day has waned)
02:34:34 : 1.(Awakening) Pushkin
02:35:53 : 2.(To a Grecian Girl) Pushkin
02:37:17 : 3.(The Dream) Pushkin
02:39:01 : 4.(I died from happiness) L. Uhland, trans. V. Zhukovsky
02:40:13 Maykov: 1(The Nymph)
02:43:21 Maykov: 2.(Summer Night’s Dream)
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