English Below
A principios del S. XXI , en el Bario Gotico de Barcelona, un tugurio de nombre Limón Negro, me daba una noche para realizar un Cabaret con mis amigos artistas del momento, tanto reconocidos como pisando tablas por primera vez.
Una de esas noches nos visitó Jango Edwars, artista internacional, maestro y amigo personal, acompañado de la magnífica Cristi Garbo, que comenzaba a acompañar a Jango en Barcelona y siguió internacionalmente logrando números de gran calidad.
Aquella noche Tambíen estaba Yun Lee haciendo algunos skethces con Jango y Cristi.
Los personajes y la cercanía con el público conseguían esos ambientes únicos para el desparpajo y la libertad en escena.
Las risas estaban garantizadas y Jango estaba en su salsa, generoso, creativo, y feliz!!
Los que vivimos esos momentos nos ha bombeado vitalidad creativa, libertad, y amor por nuestra profesión, mucho amor, dar sin esperar, y seguir dando, UUUUU--!!!!
Y algo que me dijiste una vez:
Jango-Sabes lo que se dicen los clowns entre ellos ?
Loco- No?!
Jango- ““See you on the top ““
Loco- “ See you Cabrón“
At the beginning of the 21st century, in the Bario Gotico in Barcelona, a slum named Limón Negro, I had a night to perform a Cabaret with my artist friends of the moment, both recognized and stepping on tables for the first time.
One of those nights, Jango Edwards, an international artist, teacher and personal friend, visited us, accompanied by the magnificent Cristi Garbo, who began to accompany Jango in Barcelona and continued internationally, achieving high-quality numbers.
That night Yun Lee was also doing some sketchet with Jango and Cristi.
The characters and the closeness with the public achieved those unique environments for self-confidence and freedom on stage.
The laughs were guaranteed and Jango was in the sauce of it, generous, creative, and happy!
Those of us who live those moments have been pumped with creative vitality, freedom, and love for our profession, a lot of love, giving without waiting, and keep giving, UUUUU--!!!!
And something you told me once:
Jango-Do you know what clowns say to each other?
Loco: No?!
Jango- ““See you on the top ““
Loco- “See you on the top, Cabrón Brother“
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4 months ago 00:08:04 1