The Scientist - Coldplay | Piano Cover

The Scientist - Coldplay | Piano Cover 🎼 Sheet Music, Midis and more: 🎹 Support me on Patreon and get some neat rewards: ______________________________________________________________ 🎹 Sheet Music: Coming soon, please stay tuned! 🎹 Midi: ______________________________________________________________ Get this song or stream it over here: ♫ Spotify: Coming soon, please stay tuned! ♫ iTunes/Apple Music: Coming soon, please stay tuned! ♫ GooglePlay: Coming soon, please stay tuned! ♫ Amazon: Coming soon, please stay tuned! ♫ Deezer: Coming soon, please stay tuned! ______________________________________________________________ 🎼 The story behind the song: Hey there, Good to see you again! 👋🏻😊 I know it’s been awhile since the last time I uploaded a video. Things didn’t quite go the way I expected them to, in a bad way but also in a good way. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the time to actually record and ed
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