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SPINE is a story rich beat ’em up game, where the player decides the future of the dystopian world. The characters of the game boost their reflexes beyond limits with the help of an implant technology called Spine.
Become a part of a cyberpunk action movie. Immerse into fights thanks to the cinematographic experience our gameplay provides. Enjoy the incredible tricks inspired by action movies and martial arts, while performing all kinds of choreography with your guns.
SPINE will be available on Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 5 and PC.
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2 weeks ago 00:08:51 1
Шум в ушах, звон в ухе, простое лечение в домашних условиях.
2 weeks ago 00:14:45 1
МЫШЦЫ КОРА нужны для здоровой спины! Делайте 7 простых упражнений дома три месяца
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