International Schools (1959)

Unissued / unused material. French newsreel item. International Schools, Paris, France. Pan past flags of all nations. Sequence showing Italian school in Paris: MS pupils entering school. MS young children in classroom. Various shots class of young children painting. MS of older boy reciting from text book. Shot of two teenage girls, one puts on lipstick. MS statue in playground. Sequence showing Polish school in Paris: various shots of classroom, girl stands at front by wall map. Pupils playing volley ball in playground. Various shots of children leaving school. Sequence showing Soviet school in Paris: MS picture of Lenin on wall, pan down to teacher talking to children. CU two children. LS children and teacher playing in playground. Various shots of children drawing pictures. MS class singing in choir (natural sound) - the kids wear white shirts with red stars on. Sequence showing American school in Paris: American-style school bus. MS to CU pupils leaving bus. Various
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