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Listen and stream WASTED:
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Watch WASTED (Making Of):
Смотри WASTED (Making Of):
Ivan Dorn - Wasted
Director / Producer / Scriptwriter - Denys Shchukin
VFX / CG / FX Supervisor – Denys Shchukin
Animation Supervisor – Slava Lisovsky
Camera Animation – Slava Lisovsky
Digital Grooming and Tailoring – Igor Velichko
Cloth and Hair Simulation – Igor Velichko
Head and Body created by “KB Studio”:
Kate Bekasova
Alexey Rodenko
Render Farm “FORRENDER”:
Ruslan Imanov
Roman Rudiuk
Motion Capture “Digital Cinema Ukraine”
Valentine Ushakova
Petr Kuznetsov
Nikolay Prudov
Roman Bazhura
Ilya Lindberg
Andrey Shvetsov
Leonid Panov
Additional FX:
Alexander Kratinov
Previz Head Modeling:
Andrey Ryzhov
Additional CG-Artists: