David Starkey: The West’s Crisis is Rooted in the “Universal“ World Order it created after WW2.

There are no universal values or human rights, argues Dr. David Starkey at our St. George’s Day conference. The West’s creation of international law, and international bodies to govern an international rules based system lies at the heart of the West’s current problems. The West believes all peoples and regions of this world share universal beliefs and values. They don’t. Russia and China understand this. We don’t. Just at The West’s moment of triumph, when it saw its enemies vanquished, it finds itself in its greatest identity crisis. How did the West end up mired in the identity politics of race, gender and sexuality? Why is it losing dominance on the global stage to Russia and China, the latter a superpower created by the West via entry to the WTO. Are patriotism and pride in the values and achievements we’ve inherited from our ancestors enough to help restore the West? These and many other issue are discussed by Dr. David Starkey in this fascinating talk deliver
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