5-Hour Study with Me / Pomodoro Timer 30-5 / Lo-Fi Relaxing Music / Day 138

🤗 Welcome! I hope you enjoy studying with me! 📖 My everyday study are reading papers, coding, or writing. 🌠 I would constantly upload videos to record my study and life. 🖥️ My desk setup Desk Setup: The Atmosphere Lamp I used: ✍️ Sessions 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:30 Study 1/10 00:30:30 Break 00:35:30 Study 2/10 01:05:30 Break 01:10:30 Study 3/10 01:40:30 Break 01:45:30 Study 4/10 02:15:30 Break (Long) 02:25:30 Study 5/10 02:55:30 Break 03:00:30 Study 6/10 03:30:30 Break 03:35:30 Study 7/10 04:05:30 Break 04:10:30 Study 8/10 04:40:30 Break (Long) 04:50:30 Study 9/10 05:20:30 Break 05:25:30 Study 10/10 05:55:30 Outro 🎵 Background music - Provided by Lofi Records - Kainbeats x Hoogway - timeless - Watch: - Download/Stream:
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