Full title reads: “Sporting Snapshots From USA“.
United States of America (USA).
West Palm Beach, Florida. Motorcar road race - wet conditions lead to skids galore.
LV Towards cars racing down road. LV Cars turning bend on beach. MV Cars turning corner on beach. MV Pan car No 46. MV Cars turning bend. SV MG turning corner. SV White MG driving down road. MV Cars turning corner. SV Cars turning corner. MV MG followed by another car turning corner. Sandbags in foreground. SV Pan MG No 8. LV Elevated cars skidding around corner. No 12 laying 3rd. SV Towards and pan car turning into bend. SV Back view cars skidding round corner. LV Cars turning corner by building. LV Cars turning corner. MG in foreground. MV Car No 15 skids on corner. LV Elevated pan car 44 chasing another car up straight road. LV Towards car 44 Ford-Dussenberg passing winning post. SV Winner, George Huntoon, having laurel wreath placed over head. CU Huntoon with laurel wreath round neck.
Fox River Grove, Illinois.
VS of ski jump