Germany: COVID sceptics march met with counter-protests in Berlin

Subscribe to our channel! A march by around 150 coronavirus sceptics was met with repeated counter-protests in Berlin on Sunday. Banners against the use of masks and supporting the Querdenken movements could be seen, while chants against the restrictions in place due to the coronavirus pandemic were heard. The event started at 14:30 (13:30 GMT) on Berlin’s Alexanderplatz before marchers proceeded through the Prenzlauer Berg neighbourhood. Counter-protesters could be seen giving making obscene gestures at the marchers, and holding banners and signs decrying coronavirus scepticism, with messages such as ’science is not fiction.’ Dozens of police officers were on the scene to prevent protesters and counter-protesters from coming into close proximity and the march ended without violence at around 18:00 local time (17:00 GMT). Germany is currently in a state of lockdown, although some restrictions are set to be eased in the coming week, due to the coronavirus pandemic, with the government
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