First Ever 3D Printed Wagyu Beef Created In Lab

In a world-first scientists revealed that they can 3D print expensive Wagyu Beef which they claim is ’the real thing’ but doesn’t produce the huge amounts of greenhouses gasses released by the production of ’normal’ beef steaks. Wagyu (which means Japenese Cow) steak is famous all around the world for its high content of intramuscular fat known as ’marbling’ with prime cuts costing upwards of 200 USD (145 GBP). Scientists from the University of Osaka, Japan, announced that they had successfully printed imitations of Wagyu steak in a paper titled ’Engineered whole cut meat-like tissue by the assembly of cell fibres using tendon-gel integrated bioprinting’ yesterday (24th August). The research team said in a statement that they used stem cells isolated from Wagyu cows to 3D print the meat alternative containing muscle, fat, and blood vessels arranged to resemble a traditional steak. According to the researchers, the production of the ’steak’ begins with two types of stem cells, called bovine satellite cells
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