Rescue Poor old Dog who was damaged eye and was smelling badly with maggot infestation
Rescue Poor old Dog who was damaged eye and was smelling badly with maggot infestation
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This poor old dog rescued by Guardians of all Voiceless:
“Two weeks ago, our teammate Sanju was called by his friend Mr Montu, from a far away village. The call was about an old female dog, Bablii who was roaming around the village with damaged eye from past few weeks. Because of summer season she also had maggot infestation and was smelling badly, this was reason that no one letting her sit inside their space and were shooing her away. Thanks to Mr Montu, who didn’t looked away and cared to reach out for help.
Sadly, the eye ball was already damaged so the only left was enucleation surgery. After completing some emergency treatments our team went to veterinary hospital with our old girl Bablii. Thanks to the doctors who didn’t took much time and The surgery was successful. But thankfully with your support and care we were able to save he