India’s Fight Against China is a Nightmare

Thank you Ridge Wallet for sponsoring today’s video. Check out for up to 40% off through June 15th. India and China have clashed in deadly brawls on their disputed border multiple times recently. An estimated 60,000 Chinese soldiers are positioned on India’s border, with main battle tanks, fighter jets and artillery facing off against 200,000 Indian forces on the other side. This is the border between the world’s two most populous nations both armed with plenty of nuclear weapons, so the consequences of this conflict extend far beyond Southeast Asia. It might as well be happening on the border with my neighbor Carl. editor note show population numbers over map animation. But what exactly are these two giants fighting over in this inhospitable 4,000 meter high altitude freezing region that is so strategically important? Written by: Chris Cappy & Brian Sproule Edited by: Michael Michaelides Why are they fighting with sticks and stones when they have
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