You wanted it. We deliver: THE ULTIMATE BBK COMPILATION 😳 Best GBB moments! The best most amazing beatbox compilation of all time with all your favorite BBK moments from four years of GBB. WRITE YOUR FAVORITE BBK REACTION IN THE COMMENTS WITH THE HASHTAG: #bbk4president We want to thank everybody who watches SBX videos, likes and comments everyday and who is spreading the love. We make this channel not for us but for you and to help the entire beatbox scene to grow and share our true passion. And one of the most amazing members of our family is our president BBK. Follow him on Instagram and thank him for his love and all the energy he brings to our unique community. WE ARE FAMILY! Follow BBK on Instagram: @bbkforpresident Follow Grand Beatbox Battle on Instagram: @ Thank you very much to the GBB19 Sponsors: 1) DPA, the microphone sponsor, we love your mics. Check more here:
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