MassageASMR - Trigger Therapy 5 - Whispering Ear to Ear, Tapping, Crinkle + More Sounds [шепот] [мужской] [звуки] [стукСкрип] [хруст] [карандаш] [сУшкаНаУшко]

1:18 Pencil Sounds 3:00 Some whispering 4:10 Wooden Blocks Tapping 7:28 White Balance Card Tapping 11:25 Tapping on Wooden Block with Massage Stick 15:00 Little bit of Inaudible Whispering 21:20 Virtual Notepad (massage stick on camera lens cover) 23:52 Whispered Ramble with Touching the Camera? 24:57 Hand Massage one of my favorite things to trigger my ASMR 27:07 Scratching Sound on the Flashlight (Torch) with Massage Stick 29:54 Conclusion with a little whispering info
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