I’ve been wanting to do this since so long... and I’m so happy to finally be able to present you this compilation of 50 TUTTING PATTERNS (actually 49 cause we messed one up during the videoshoot 🥲).
Feel free to use these resources however you want, but please remember to flip what you learn and to do it in your own unique way, in order for the style to keep growing.
The first ones are from Future and Houdoken, and considering the amount of people who are great at Tutting, I don’t claim ownership of any of all those moves because everything has probably already been done. This is why I’ve been careful not to name anything. I’ve probably also forgot to mention some of my inspirations, and if I have, sorry about it, I’ll add you in later in the description !
If you know who to credit for some of hose patterns, please do so in the comments, that would be valuable information !
Songs :
DLoop - Get up on your Feet
Flacxne - Bedroom Boogie
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