The Nintendo 64 chronicles, isolated and revolutionary | A Nintendo 64 Documentary

The Nintendo 64 is one of the most legendary and revolutionary game consoles in history due to its atypical controller, the choice to stay on the cartridge format when everyone else has chosen the CD support, because of the exceptional games that came out on the console and because of its unusual history. Today we go back to the epic of the Nintendo 64, a console that has marked history so much that all the innovations it brought are still used today but which, despite these revolutions, was not able to outsell the competition due to a series of twists that we are going to talk about today. Here is the uncanny story of the Nintendo 64, one the most revolutionary console of all time. Voiced over by Brad Ziffer. 00:00:00 • Introduction 00:00:48 • A controversial choice 00:12:25 • An endless wait 00:27:56 • A misleading launch 00:45:03 • An unexpected turn 00:57:45 • Clash of the titans 01:09:52 • An exceptional end Music used : File Select - Super Mario 64 [Private video] [Private video] [Private video] [Private video] Staff Roll - Super Mario 64
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