Campsis in a lush green mass of openwork leaves, in bright inflorescences, in the ability to grow rapidly, twisting walls and fences.
Leaves of kampsis are odd-pinnate, light green, often with 7-11 leaves, the edge of the leaf is serrate. The flowers are orange-red, tubular, odorless, forming short paniculate inflorescences. The flowers of the plant are rather large, tubular, odorless, collected in panicles. Depending on the variety, the color of the liana flowers can be fiery orange, crimson, yellow-golden or pink. Blooms from July to September. The plant produces a lot of nectar that attracts wasps, bees, flies and ants. Usually, with proper planting, Kampsis blooms already in the second or third year of life.
Campsis is an unpretentious plant. In many countries, it is practically a weed that grows wherever it is allowed to thrive. In France, in the countries of Southeastern Europe, Kampsis curl up walls and fences, thriving on abandoned sites. The only problem when growing this plant in our climatic zone is winter frosts. Where the climate is mild enough, winter temperatures are not lower than -25 C, and these are the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Kampsis grows without any problems. Cold hardiness zone for Kampsis - USDA 4b.
If Kampsis winters successfully, then it is not difficult to grow it. Sometimes this plant turns into a real aggressor - its long rhizomes are capable of destroying garden paths, blind areas near buildings and even the foundation. Sometimes the plant is difficult to exterminate, it gives many shoots throughout the site
The genus Campsis combines 2 types:
• Campsis grandiflora (Campsis grandiflora) or Chinese Campsis (Campsis chinensis) - originally from the Far East region.
• Campsis rooting (Campsis radicans) - from North America.
As ornamental garden plants, various hybrids of these two species are most often found.
Liana kampsis is just an ideal plant for landscaping arches, fences, walls. Campsis is planted next to a wall or fence, it quickly forms real flowering thickets. It is fixed on the support with air roots and rises up very quickly.
Campsis is perfect for creating a shady corner in the garden, for landscaping a gazebo or pergola. Like maiden grapes, kampsis is an ideal plant for decorating barns and other non-site decoration objects. With its help, it is easy to make a green screen that separates the resting place from the views of neighbors.
Campsis 在鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色鏤空葉子中,在明亮的花序中,能夠快速生長,扭曲牆壁和圍欄。
Campsis是一種樸實無華的植物。在許多國家,它實際上是一種雜草,它生長在任何被允許生長的地方。在法國,在東南歐國家,坎普西斯蜷縮在牆壁和柵欄上,在廢棄的地方繁衍生息。在我們的氣候區種植這種植物時,唯一的問題是冬季霜凍。那裡氣候相當溫和,冬季溫度不低於-25°C,而且這些是俄羅斯、烏克蘭、波羅的海國家的南部地區,Kampsis 的生長沒有任何問題。 Kampsis 的耐寒區 - 美國農業部 4b。
Campsis 屬結合了兩種類型:
• Campsis grandiflora (Campsis grandiflora) 或中國 Campsis (Campsis chinensis)——原產於遠東地區。
• Campsis Rooting (Campsis radicans) - 來自北美。
Liana kampsis 是美化拱門、圍欄、牆壁的理想植物。 Campsis 種植在牆壁或柵欄旁邊,它很快就會形成真正的開花灌木叢。它用氣根固定在支架上,上升非常快。
Campsis 非常適合在花園中營造陰涼的角落,美化涼亭或涼棚。像處女葡萄一樣,kampsis 是裝飾穀倉和其他非現場裝飾對象的理想植物。在它的幫助下,很容易製作一個綠色的屏幕,將休息的地方與鄰居的視線分開。
Campsis في كتلة خضراء مورقة من الأوراق ا&