Sha Na Na - “Barbi Benton“ - WMAQ Channel 5 (Complete Broadcast, 10/14/1979) 📺 💪
Here’s a complete broadcast, from WMAQ Channel 5, of a third-season episode (S03E14) of the Sha Na Na TV series, with Jon ’Bowzer’ Bauman, Chico Ryan, ’Dirty Dan’ McBride, Denny Greene, Donny York, Jocko Marcellino, Johnny Contardo, Lennie Baker, ’Screamin’ Scott’ Simon, and ’Tony Santini’ (real name: Scott Powell) as the eternal greasers, featuring Pamela Myers, Jane Dulo, Soupy Sales (yes, THAT Soupy Sales), and special guest star Barbi Benton. A little extra easter egg follows this program.
Station ID with ’N/Peacock’ logo, and PSA for Chicago Lung Association - “Smoke-Free Generation“ (voiceover by Ed Grennan)
Opening sketch and show title sequence (voiceover by Pamela Myers), featuring “Runaround Sue“ (sung by Donny) and monologue by Screamin’ Scott
Sponsor billboard for Lemon Fresh Joy and April Fresh Downy (voiceover by Pamela Myers)
Commercials for:
Downy fabric softener
Joy dishwashing liquid (featuring everyone’s favorite “girl next door“ in your dreams, PJ Soles)
Segment 2, featuring Lennie and Bowzer singing “Mr. Bass Man“; Barbi Benton Look-a-Like Contest; and Barbi joined by group on “He’s a Rebel“
Commercials for:
Stanley weatherproofing products
Al Piemonte Melrose Park Ford (NOT featuring Al Piemonte - in fact, he’s an actor who has done the same thing for many dealerships across the country apparently - here’s one for “Dave Cory Ford“ in Niles: )
PSA for National Health Council book “200 Ways to Put Your Talent to Work in the Health Field“
Thomson Vacations
Segment 3, featuring Santini singing “Green Door,“ and elaborate sketch built around it
Commercials for:
Jif peanut butter
“Non-Mediciney“ Scope mouthwash
Jeep Truck Division
Segment 4, with Johnny singing “Our Day Will Come“
Commercials for:
Burger King - with promo for Duncan “Yum Yum!“ Yo-Yo offer for only 39 cents plus tax with french fry purchase
L’Erin nail polish
Bowzer closes program (“Grease for Peace!“) and group closes with “Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight,“ followed by ending credits and LBS - Lexington Broadcast Services Company logo
Promo for Family Feud for Monday at 6:30pm - “Channel 5, Proud as a Peacock!“
Commercials for:
Chicago Tribune - article on black women’s beauty needs
WBMX FM 103 - “Thousand Dollar Answer“ (contest ends November 13th)
Promo for The Rockford Files for Friday night (voiceover by Casey Kasem)
Station ID slide (different from earlier one), with PSA for Chicago Crime Commission (voiceover by Ed Grennan)
Easter Egg: First 5 minutes of The Guinness Game, hosted by Don Galloway (the former Sgt. Ed Brown of Ironside), thus:
Segment 1 - Show open, with introduction of contestants and Don warming up for show start
Sponsor billboard for Stove Top stuffing
Commercials for:
Stove Top Stuffing (Billy working on family car when called for dinner) (features actress Polly Holliday, best known as playing Flo on the sitcom “Alice“ as the mom - “Kiss My Stuffing?“) (ending voiceover by Mason Adams)
Cool Whip topping
Sedgefield clothes
Don introduces contestants, and is underway with starting first round when recording ends
“This program was previously recorded for broadcast at a later date. Let’s hope it’s not soon.“
This aired on local Chicago TV early Sunday, October 14th 1979 during the 12:30am to 1:05am timeframe.
This was from a tape donated to The Museum of Classic Chicago Television as part of The George Jen Collection.
About The Museum of Classic Chicago Television:
The MCCTv (FuzzyMemoriesTV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose primary mission is the preservation and display of off-air, early home videotape recordings (70s to early 80s, mostly) recorded off of TV (in Chicago or other cities now too); things which would likely be lost if not sought out and preserved digitally. If you have any old 1970s videotapes recorded off of TV please email: tapes@ Even though (mostly) short clips are displayed here, we preserve the entire broadcasts in our archives - the complete programs with breaks (or however much is present on the tape), for historical preservation. For information on how to help in our mission, to donate or lend tapes to be converted to DVD, please e-mail tapes@ Thank you for your help!