Skiing With Better Edging | Using the Retraction Extension Drill
Learning to ski with more lateral movement is not easy. It takes practice and knowing what to be feeling and how to recreate those movements using drills. The restriction extension drill is one of my favourites to use and I always ski better after working on it at slow speeds and then building up the terrain and speed. This video is a preview of me using variations of the retraction extension drill in a snow plow and parallel stance. I have a full progression on as well as a real life lesson where I teach skiers just like yourself how to do it and correct their common mistakes. The details are where you will find your breakthrough with this drill and I’ll emphasise again it is not easy to master. It is actually a task I had to do to obtain my Level 4 APSI instructor certificate and its a task many instructors fail as the movements and timing can be so different to how you normally ski. If you feel like trying something new in your skiing and learning how to ski with higher edge angles