Русско-японская Война Глазами Врача / Russo-Japanese War through the eyes of a Doctor - 1904-1905

Россия в дореволюционных фотографиях Русско-японская Война Глазами Врача Фотограф - Врач-хирург Пётр Иванович Постников 1904-1905 Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs The Russo-Japanese War through the eyes of a Doctor Photographer - Surgeon Peter Ivanovich Postnikov 1904-1905 Music: I. Andante - II. Allegro from the Symphony No. 2 by A. Scriabin A historic set of photographs seen through the camera lens of a Russian Surgeon during the Russ-Japanese War. Peter Ivanovich Postnikov grew up in a famil
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