Miniature Radiography, Macro Radiography & Magnification Techniques In Radio-Diagnosis.
Chest photofluorography, also known as mass miniature radiography, is a form of diagnostic imaging known as fluorography, applied to the thorax. Historically it was used for mass screening for pulmonary tuberculosis. In order to control tuberculosis, medical research council, London appointed their Committee on Tuberculosis in 1941. The detection of symptomless or latent pulmonary tuberculosis by mass radiography had been the subject of much careful investigation. An excellent instrument was designed by the council for this purpose and in 1943 the Ministry of Health announced that a limited number of mobile miniature radiography sets.
X-ray beams from the tube get attenuated by the patient producing a transmitted radiation intensity corresponding to the part of the body traversed by the X-ray beam. Transmitted intensities now fall on the photocathode stimulating it to produce electrons in quantities external to the light intensities emitted by the input. This is caused by the formation of a light image