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This time, Sakuya stars in the third Radio section - along with an unexpected guest.
With RavenWorks, BudgieBin, Xaq, DavidN and Kjorteo!
0:05 Unexpected guest
1:15 Exemplary
1:25 Crow Party
1:50 Hiatus
2:20 Ryouta and Sakuya
3:40 Some music
3:50 Letter 1
4:40 Ignomininus
5:40 Lifeblood
6:25 Outside
7:10 Bird cheering
7:30 Permission
8:00 Letter 2
8:55 Wings behind your head!
10:00 Shall be mine
10:10 Anghel Insurance Policy
10:50 Let’s try this again
11:10 Westerners
11:25 Bleak
11:40 First question
12:00 Birdie car alarm
12:20 Stutter parasite strikes again
12:50 Translating
13:15 Dragon Warrior
13:25 Hunting
13:45 Letter for Sakuya
14:20 English to English
14:40 Bugged
15:40 One job on this lousy show
16:25 Great
17:15 Google Translate
17:30 Letter for San
17:50 Wasn’t so bad
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