Jeep Cherokee - Rough Country Lift Kit Installation
This video covers all the steps needed to install the Rough Country Lift Kit/Levelling Kit, which provides a 2 inch lift for your Jeep Cherokee. It covers model years 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019, which is the KL models. It has a 2 inch lift in the front, and close to 1 inch lift (roughly) in the year, to give a balanced ride height, instead of the slightly forward lean on the stock suspension, so it is more of a levelling kit, but does provide total lift. This shows all tools and steps needed.
****Important note*****
at 31:28, I note that the bolt on the left has no washer, and the one of the right does. This is incorrect, you actually put the washer on the left bolt in the video, and no washer on the right bolt. If you can get the opportunity, it may be a good idea to purchase a pair of grade 8, 9/16“ Flat Washers and use the washers on both bolts. Thank you @peanutbuttercrunch for catching this for me.
Need some of the tools or the Lift Kit itself? Check it out here