MUFON CASE 114730 Las Vegas, Nevada ( April 13, 2021 )

Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Non constant shapes (2) hovering and moving slowly in different directions and lighting up in daytime no clouds Long Description of Sighting Report Two objects were noticed and apperard to be over the Las Vegas airport ( coupld have been further ) two seperate objects slowly changing shapes and ;lighting up in daylight with no cloud cover. one started much higer and to the west and eventually disapperared how ever the lower second one was a much better video if you zoom in like I saw in person( not on iphone) you can see it seems to change shape and will intermittently reflect or light up . I believe this was over airport airspace and drones, airplanes or any other object should not have been in the area, I view this area from work 5 days a week and several times a day ( while smoking at work outside) . Date Submitted : 2021-04-13 Date of Event : 2021-03-05 7:10AM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 114715 Lakeland,
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