Tough cookie. Take the cake. Episode 3 and 4. 101 idioms. Chill&Chat

Episode 3 and 4. As the saying goes, ’An idiom a day keeps your dementia away.’ (Одна идиома в день, защита от деменции ведь). So let’s continue learning idioms. Here are two of them: To be a tough cookie - to be a strong and fearless person To take the cake - to be outstanding or exceptional, in a positive or negative sense Example: Batman is a tough cookie, but I’m the one who takes the cake. I AM BAT-COOKIE. Now let’s memorise: 1. Revise the previous posts with idioms: 2. Create your own sentences with idioms and leave a comment. 3. Listen to the audio trainer. 4. Watch the video, at the end of which there are clips demonstrating the real-life usage of idioms by native speakers. Как говорится “An idiom a day, keeps your dementia away“ (Одна идиома в день, защита от деменции ведь).
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