медитация, исцеление, позитив, Шуман 432 Hz Healing Frequency for Positive Energy + 8 Hz Schumann Resonance (Pineal Gland Activation)
The secret of the 432 Hz tuning is based on the 8 Hz ( Hz) Schumann frequency. An electromagnetic resonance that exists on the Earth’s surface and in the Ionossphere. At the same time, our two brain hemispheres also syncronize at 8 Hz, the key to developing our brain to its fullest potential. The 8 Hz frequency is also found in the double helix of DNA. Therefore, 432 Hz tuning music brings us into natural resonance with the universe.
The 432 Hz music promotes stability and your sense of security in life, a gateway to your abundance, wealth and self-confidence, and to be in harmony and resonance with the universe. Draw from the divine source and rejoice with all your heart.
The 8 Hz frequency is also connected to the base chakra (Muladhara Chakra).
You are all-encompassing love that penetrates you to the smallest cell. Feel the creative, divine power of the universe feeding you with the golden light of abundance and prosperity.
Joy and bliss are expressions of your true nature.
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1 month ago 02:12:21 1
2 months ago 00:28:29 1
🔥ПЛОХОЕ УЙДЕТ НАВСЕГДА! Чистка родовой кармы и Очищение ДЕРЕВА РОДА! Исцеление Звуком
2 months ago 03:28:52 1
Расслабляющая музыка, исцеляющая от стресса, беспокойства,депрессивных состояний.успокоить разум #20