Akhenaten (Amenhotep) was a well-known pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. He lived sometime in the period from 1351 to 1333 BC. Akhenaten was very important to Egypt, because he introduced one religion with the sun god Aton as god. Egypt transformed from polytheism to monotheism.
Akhenaten was a son of Amenhotep III (ca. 1388 - 1351 BC) and Queen Tey. He married his cousin Nefertiti.
The young pharaoh is depicted with a strange, if not grotesque, appearance. In it he has a large gourd-shaped head, a very long thin neck, narrow eyes and bulging lips, his belly, his thighs enormously
...thick, his lower legs very thin. Furthermore, he is depicted with strange, feminine facial features.
You can also find the elongated skull in art forms within ancient cultures. You can also find them with the Egyptians, especially in images of King Tut and his family. If these skulls were indeed ancient and a DNA match was found with remains from other parts of the world, this would prove that people could already cross oceans at a time when only primitive hunters were recorded in history. That in itself would mean that history could be rewritten.
According to other sources, recent studies indicate that the Egyptian Pharaohs are the product of GENETIC MANIPULATION by an advanced ALIEN RACE.
For example, DNA research on the pharaoh Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamun, showed that there was an Aberrant GENE, called CXPAC-5, which is responsible for the growth of the cerebral cortex.
Everything found in Egypt points to an ALIEN CIVILIZATION and of course the pyramids are much older than the few thousand years we are led to believe.
These kinds of studies are deliberately kept out of the media, but the genetic results of an assistant professor, Stuart Fleischmann, of the Swiss University in Cairo are promising.
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