Rise of Mordor Official Soundtrack: #47 The Courage of Durin’s Folk

The dwarves are upon you! Moria shall be retaken, Gundabad shall be cleansed and Erebor shall prosper. Long live Durin’s Folk! This song is inspired by the amazing work of Howard Shore and arranged and recorded by our very own Tom Romain - Maeron! “Total War: Rise of Mordor“ is an epic overhaul project of Total War: Attila based on “The Lord of the Rings“. The mod portrays the world of Tolkien shortly before the War of the Ring and by the release of version 1.0 will include a fully fledged campaign. The visuals are based on movies, while the background story and the rosters are accurate to the books. To find out more about the project check these links: Rise of Mordor Discord: ​
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